One of the overused and misused word in the dictionary. Why?
- Because it gives the impression that with this single word, everything will be fine.
- That one word can erase what you have done, what you have said, how you made them feel. as if it’s as easy as counting 1,2,3.
- That SORRY is like a magic word?
- That saying sorry could make everything go back to the way it was before?
- That sorry is enough to wash away the pain?
How come people think that one SORRY could fix everything? Fvck. That’s why people think that they can use the word SORRY ever so lightly and so easily. That’s why the true essence of saying SORRY is slowly fading; the reason why, people who don’t value the true meaning of forgiveness repeat the same mistakes all over again. It doesn’t even change the fact that something has changed and that saying sorry is just a move to make it seem like you regret what happened.
But whatever the situation may be, you should always think before you act, think before you speak, before its too late.
Remember, it takes time to build someone’s trust—but a few seconds to ruin it, not even SORRY could be an assurance as to whether trust would ever be granted to you again.
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