I like the part when Li knew that Loong would be going to Germany to study and their relationship started falling apart [not that I like the part of the break-up] but the part where they become mature about their decision to break up and when Li said, “How can two people call each other boyfriend/girlfriend if they’re not together?” and told him that they should just be acquaintances for the meantime. It took her a lot of courage to say that, especially when she like/love Loong, and I admire her for that.
Sometimes, doing the right thing is better than doing what you want because it is in that moment that you become a more mature person, choosing the right thing.
Two people in a relationship doesn’t have to be always have to be together to say that they are together. Sometimes, the distance only adds up their love for each other, although everyday is a day farther from the last time they saw each other, it’s also a day closer to the time they’ll see each other. Love knows no particular time, place and setting, as long as you both love each other, then the relationship can work. :)
It’s a movie where you’d get to see that if you two are really meant for each other, then you’d end up together, even if it means you’d have to be apart for how many years. No matter what happens, fate would still bring the two of you together, at the right time, place and situation, where both of you would be ready. :)
But like normal story lines go, they still end up together after two years. :)
The ending scene was cute,—-while Li was going to work, she accidentally meets Loong on the BTS Skytrain. After a few exchanges of hi and hellos, Li goes downstairs to change to a different line and doesn't look back at Loong. As Li gets in her own train, the electricity runs out. Passengers called their friends/family/girlfriend/boyfriend to say that the train has stopped except for Li, who has no one to call. She seems a little bit sad because she doesn't have someone to call but moments later, her phones rings, showing an unregistered number. Guess who is it? Hmmm. :D Of course it’s Loong! :) He asks her to celebrate Songkran with him, again. Li replies that she’s free for the holidays and when the lights come back on, Loong is on the same Skytrain as Li, he is standing behind Li! :)
After a few scenes, we see a happy ending for the two of them. :)
[Sorry for some of the spoilers! :DD]