When you start to like someone, even if you deny it, your overall perspective of them gradually changes. You try to pick out the things that you like about them and the pay attention good qualities that they have instead of the bad, and you have this tendency to overlook their flaws and shortcomings. Right?
You start to notice even the littlest things (the simplest details of their clothes doesn’t go unnoticed, the way they smile, the way they flip their hair, the way they fidget on their seats, their mannerisms, or even the way they call your name start to become a constant sound in your ears). Those little conversations or the petty fights start to take part in your daily activities, that you find yourself enjoying those moments.
You find yourself having a re-run of the moments you have together, wanting more of those moments. And sometimes, you even start wanting to include them in your plans about the future.
Just by hearing their names makes your heart beat a little faster than it normally does, and make you feel like there are butterflies in your stomach.
No matter what opinion that others may have on them, and no matter what imperfections they have, you accept them as they are, knowing that nobody is perfect and that these little things are part of the overall reason why you start liking them in the first place. That these little things add up to their total personality and for the time being, they will be the best out of everybody.
It’s like, the more you like them, the better looking they get. :)