Midori wakes up early the next morning to cook breakfast for Seiji while he’s still sleeping, completely forgetting that she’s attached to Seiji and drags him around the house. (Haha. :D Poor Seiji, he bumps his face on the way down--what a way to start the morning for him--=P)
When Midori opens the ref, she founds note from Seiji's sister telling him to drink the beer (looks to me like a threat. haha. :D ). She gets an egg to start cooking but ha! it fell on Seiji's head! hahaha! :))
Midori seems to be pretty accustomedalready to being Seiji’s right hand as she helps him put on his right shoe and reminds him not to forget his things. (cute. :) )
As Seiji makes his way to school, Midori pops out with a brand new dress that she made which reads “I love Seiji”. :D She's pretty much proud of what she'd done--she' asks Seiji how does she look and Seiji looks pretty embarassed. Haha. (I'd say he's just shy as well as embarassed---beats me, I'll bet it's the first time he experienced having his name on a girl's t-shirt. XD)
Enter his classmate Ayase in the picture--when she enters the classroom, she butts in on two people talking about Seiji's right hand being injured and tells them just to ignore Seiji as she describes him as someone " who thinks beating up people somehow proves that he is a man" and tells him mean things in front of his face and everyone. (You just wait Ayase, soon enough you'd see Seiji's other side and definitely, he'd prove you wrong. I'm really looking forward seeing your face when you realize how wrong you are in saying those things--I bet you might l in love with Seiji,too. :D) Seiji screamed at Miyahara for spreading such rumors which led to a minor confrontation between a Seiji and Ayase.
During recess, he's on the rooftop and guess who's mad about the current flow of things? Midori of course. :D She complains on why his classmates would put his desk on the corner of the room like he's some beast and she's annoyed with Ayase. Just then, a group of delinquents from another school came trying to pick a fight with Seiji. Since he is unable to use his right hand, Seiji decides to avoid the delinquents. Ayase stepped up against the delinquents thinking she could handle them like how she handled Seiji earlier, but then one of the delinquents just slapped her and tried to drag her away. (That's for you being a meddler when you should've just stayed away. >_<)
Ayase's obviously shaken and afraid as she's dragged away by the delinquents, no one in the crowd tries to help her as they are afraid of the too. They were just about to reach the school gates when Seiji came to Ayase’s rescue.
When the fight's over, Ayase stammers something like "don't put it in your head--that she wasn't about to thank Seiji for the act" when Seiji cut her short, retorting not to flatter herself, he needed the excercise anyway. ( ha. Seiji sure knows how to retort on someone's nasty comment. Why can't she just thank him?XD I wonder.. :D)
After school, Seiji, depsite being injured by the encounter earlier, had planned to try going to Midori’s house again. They found a note in his locker telling him about the challenge, and found himself heading off to save Miyahara who was kidnapped by a bunch of delinquents.
As Ayase was going through the locker room, he notices some teared up paper lying in front of Seiji's locker and she picked it up, sensing trouble.
She saw what Seiji was up to and decided to chase up to give him a piece of her mind about fighting.
Seiji arrived at the designated place, but eventhough the gang started to beat him badly (poorr Seiji. :() he did not fight backwhich eventually bored them away. They untied Miyahara and left the scene. When Miyahara asked why he didn’t fight back, Seiji replied that its so that the delinquents would no longer go to their school and bother anyone. Miyahara was so touched that he started crying and told Seiji how great a friend he is. Ayase overheard this and was touched. (See Ayase? :D Seiji is gooooood and has a soft spot in him. :) )
The next day, ayase moved her desk next to Seiji and explained her way through it. Haha. (I'll bet she's starting to like him. :P)
Seiji and Midori ended going to Midori’s mansion after school the next day. The maid was about to turn Seiji away again but Midori’s mother recognized Seiji from the many pictures Midori kept in her music box and invited him in. --------Turns out Midori’s real body was in a coma.
(Ohmo. Haha. If this happens in real life I'm sure I'll go nuts, hahahaha. Where'd you find somebody in a coma but turned out that the person in the coma is in you right hand?!? :D)
Seiji suggested that Midori try and make contact with her real body and see if she would return to normal, but when he pulled back the blanket they both realized that Midori’s real body wasn’t wearing any clothes. Both of them are embarrassed, Seiji closed his eyes and stretch his right arm out so Midori is range of her body.
As Midori bumps into her boobs, her mother and maid returned and saw what appears to be Seiji taking advantage of a comatose Midori. (Haha. What a great timing. =P) It's quite funny seeing how Seiji tried to explain himself, saying that he isn't a pervert and seeing an army of angry maids chasing after Seiji.
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